get the numbers you need to take your business 

Understand what to charge clients to meet & beat your money goals, experiment with new ideas before you put the work in, and make educated financial decisions for your business and life.

Hey Photographer! Time to make educated pricing decisions



the right direction

Get the calculator for only $37


Let’s be honest…sometimes the financial side of our business can make us feel a little, um, like a phony. I know…you're an artist. You just want to make beautiful things and have it finance your life. Do you have to do the business stuff too?! You know you’re supposed to be figuring out your profit margin.  You googled "what does CODB mean" for like 5 minutes once.  Really you’re just hoping you'll be a success without having to understand it all 🤞.

What if you could really understand your options for designing a business that's right for you- one that fits with your life goals, provides the income you need, and allows for the work/life balance you’re craving?

Welcome to the Pricing for Profit Calculator

Ready to get some clarity?

"Never have I found it SO simple to understand how I need to price my work to earn what I need.  I always wonder if I'm making the right decisions for my businesses. This tool helps me find the best places to focus my energy and feel confident in my next steps.  It's easily worth way more than you're charging" 

— justine

"Getting this is really a no-brainer"

Maybe you, too, have hit some major turning points in life & business. Times to pull all-nighters & work and times to stop giving things away for free. Times to make a change for your mental health or to invest more in your family than your biz. Times to make your business something that gives you life rather than stealing it.

I've re-evaluated my pricing more times than I can count.

the beauty of running your own business is that you have options.  You just need a tool to be able to see them.

over the past two decades

The Pricing for Profit Calculator

A tool designed to save you hours & countless math headaches while helping you get clarity on what your pricing means for your bottom line & work/life balance. Easily understand what to charge to meet & beat your money goals, experiment with new ideas & make the right decisions for your biz and life!


A powerful summary page pulls together all of your most important business numbers from pages of data for you! You can use this to see what you're actually profiting and to help decide how to structure your pricing based on the things you really care about, like profit, pay per hour, and work hours per week. 

Finally get a handle on the dollars going out of your business.  An operational expenses page filled with realistic sample expenses will help you get clear on what it costs to run your business, think through which expenses are actual needs, and find areas where you might be able to cut back.

HEre's what's inside

The Numbers That Matter

Expenses Page

feature one

feature two

I'll share some realistic sample numbers from real world photo business pricing (mine!), so you can customize to reflect your own business.  A "To Do" list , FAQ's, and 2 detailed tutorial videos will help you get up and running fast, show you how to customize it to fit your unique business, see your potential for growth, and use your data to make intentional decisions for your life & business.

The Help You Need

feature four

Use multiple "package" pages to input your current package pricing and expenses and see at a glance what you're actually profiting and how each package compares.  Or my favorite - experiment with new packages, products, or price increases to see what they would mean for your bottom line!

Package Details

feature Three


See just what that small price increase would afford in your monthly budget

Let us count the ways

Clarify exactly what it'd take to make mini sessions worth your time.



You might use the calculator in your biz:

See if you could outsource that task that you hate and still hit your money goals.


Understand how to earn what you need if you pivot to another photography niche.


Predict just how many hours with your family you might get back by entering the luxury market.


get it for $37


Weed out the business ideas that add up to too much work for too little money.


How It Works

Open your calculator in Google Sheets on your computer.  No Google account, no problem - it's free and easy!

First This

Enter your real business numbers in the calculator and watch your summaries automatically update and pull together your most important numbers for you.

Then this

The BEST part - use the data generated for you to make better aligned, educated decisions for a business that's right for you!

then this

“This is the best tool I didn’t know I needed. A must-have whether you struggle with numbers like me or not!“

- Tara

Kind words

"This course made my business dreams come true! I made six figures, and I couldn't have done it without Kate!"

- Jessa

six figures


So let's get started

More of what you love next year starts with better pricing now...

When you decided to start your own photo business, your passion for spreadsheets probably wasn’t the motivating factor. Maybe you've never really known how to set your pricing based on profit, or maybe talking finances triggers your imposter syndrome big time.  Maybe you've started down this path before but got paralyzed along the way.  Or maybe, like so many of us, you just don't have a clue where to start.  Well if the mention of profit margin makes you want to slow moonwalk backward from a room...

I know you can do more than you think you can. But if you're anything like me, you need help to get out of your head and take your business to the next level. You just want someone to tell you what works.

You're in the right place.

save hours of time

customize to your business

learn from real
world examples

have a roadmap for $ decisions

Get the most from your pricing calculator with these thorough video guides:

+ Calculator Walkthrough will get you up and running fast
+ Real World Examples video to help you start thinking outside of the box

Buy Now And Get 2 Bonus Videos

bonus videos

Calculator Tutorial & Real World Examples



"The first step in finding your version of success?  Clarity."

— ME, all the time

Add a practical tool to your business tool kit that you can use on repeat, year after year.

Have the data you need to make educated, aligned decisions for your business and life.

Get out from under the numbers overwhelm and think and communicate clearly about your finances.

Replace imposter syndrome with clarity and purpose in your next steps.

Finally get a handle on your cost of doing business (CODB).

Gain a real understanding of your options for building a business that's right for you!

Using this calculator, you will...

I need this!


"I've always felt paralyzed when people on photography forums tell me I have to figure out my cost of doing business (CODB)This calculator made it SO much simpler than the others tools I've tried!  Now I have a real sense of what I'm actually earning & what I could do to make a change.

— ERica

"Yep, just
get it!"

— another name

"This was the best investment ever!"



"Following that one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."

— another name

"This program got me my dream clients!"



"Following that one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."

I'm Kelsie, Your New Photo Biz Friend

I’m a recovering perfectionist whose been working to build a business that's right for me, and helping other photographers do the same is really my favorite.  I love creating tools that are simple to implement but have a HUGE impact on your business & life!

hey there!

why listen to me?  well, I've been out there doing this stuff (still doing this stuff!) - building a better business - for over 17 years.  

What's Inside

summary page with your crucial #'s

10 Package detail pages

a "to do" list for guidance

buy now-> $37

here's the breakdown...

take a look!


bonus video: real world examples

An operational expense page (Cobd)

This     for you if:

you're a photographer or other service-based business owner

You are not running a service based business

you're ready for some clarity on how your pricing affects your bottom line

you don't really care what you're earning right now

you're willing to put some time in now for a better business later

It's probably       for you if...

you're not willing to put the work into finding your real business numbers



It's probably
for you if...

Try the calculator for 14 days. Get your money back if it didn’t serve you.

I'm really proud of this calculator - I've used it for many many years to make better decisions in my own photography business and fully believe it will benefit you too!  However, if you've put in the work to make the most of it and feel as though it didn't work for you, I'll refund your purchase within 14 days.

money back 


I'm not a photographer.  Can I still use this?

For sure!  The calculator is super customizable and works great for other creatives & service-based businesses too! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use the calculator on my phone?

I highly recommend using this calculator spreadsheet on a desktop as it's MUCH easier to navigate.   

What if I'm always too overwhelmed by this stuff to follow-through?

You're not alone!  I'll walk you through it all in my bonus tutorial videos AND give you a detailed checklist you can work through at your own pace!

Does this require any special software?

Nope!  The pricing calculator is a Google Sheet, so all that's required is a free Google account.

What if math & spreadsheets are the stuff of my nightmares?

I got you!  I built this spreadsheet to do all the complicated stuff for you! Plus I've included the help you need to make it super simple work through.

Will I have to pay a recurring fee?

Nope!  This is a one time purchase and then you'll always have access to your calculator and be able to edit and make copies in your Google account.

Yep, I need this!

Let's get started!  The cost of the Pricing for Profit Calculator is going up soon, so grab this and your free bonus videos now for just $37!

Ready for some clarity?

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor or accountant. This calculator and these videos are for educational purposes only and include my personal opinions. To make the best financial decisions that suit your needs, you may need to conduct your own research and/or seek the advice of a licensed financial advisor. 

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor or accountant. This calculator and these videos are for educational purposes only and include my personal opinions. To make the best financial decisions that suit your needs, you may need to conduct your own research and/or seek the advice of a licensed financial advisor. 

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