These are the photo editing strategies and tools I've collected over 17 years to help me deliver consistent, beautiful photos to my clients at lightning speed (with 3 kiddos at home 🤪).

Want to know how I cull & edit a wedding in 3 hours?

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In this 10 page guide I'm sharing all of my time-saving culling & editing hacks

I'll tell you exactly which software & tools i rely on and why

learn the steps you can take today to improve & speed up your editing workflow & get back to the good stuff
In this 10 page guide I'm sharing all of my time-saving culling & editing hacks

I'll tell you exactly which software & tools i rely on and why

learn the steps you can take today to improve & speed up your editing workflow & get back to the good stuff

Meet the teacher

Hi, I'm Kelsie, and I Love Finding New Ways to Do Less But Better

Veteran wedding photographer, wife, mama of 3, and coffee-toting, system-loving friend who’ll bust a move with you any. time. I’m a recovering perfectionist whose been working to build a business that's right for me, and helping other photographers do the same is really my favorite.

foUNDER of pinkerton photography
teacher of photogs



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